Raed is a team leader in Talent and Development Team at the ABC Bank. He was looking to enhance his effectiveness in his role and transform the approach to employee development at his bank. He attended a certified effective coaching course.
As per his role at the bank, Raed was responsible for conducting training sessions and providing feedback to bank employees but felt that the impact of these sessions was limited. Besides, he recognized the need for a more effective coaching approach to foster growth and development among bank employees.
After attending the effecting coaching course and working with his colleagues in the talent development within his bank. Raed he identified few areas for improvement. Final the team was able to define clear goals and created a tailored development plan for the department. The plan was full of steps and ways they will apply the coaching techniques they acquired on the trainees they had in the bank.
As a result, Raed gained insights into the true essence of coaching and how it differs from traditional training methods. He shifted his approach from one of solely delivering content to one that focused on empowering employees to set and achieve their performance goals. Raed introduced a “Performance Feedback and Coaching Form” that emphasized goal setting, tracking progress, and fostering employee development. With the coach’s guidance, Raed’s team experienced increased engagement and improved performance, and the bank recognized the value of this new approach.
This case study showcases how coaching can drive transformation within a specific department in the banking industry. By adopting coaching principles and redesigning feedback and development processes, Raed successfully improved employee engagement and performance, aligning his team with the bank’s goals and objectives.